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Contact Kelly Sullivan Walden - Publicist @ Kelly@dreamingdownheaven.com


Gentry’s "Putting the Light back into Enlightenment" has been identified as one of the 20 favorite contributions by an Inspirational Luminarie and selected to appear in the InspireMeToday.com e-book.

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Gini's Blog

Meeting don Miguel Ruiz and his introduction to Maya --
The Goddess of Illusion

Since childhood I've had a gnawing sense that life on earth is not intended to be as painful or serious as it seems. In my dreams, I would often see life as a grand game of virtual reality, devised by some greater force for our souls’ enhancement.

Yet I had no outer support of this belief, since I was the least likely person to undertake a journey of awakening—I was way too cool to be spiritual. Then, during a fateful 1988 trip to Peru, I met a woman who would soon introduce me to a then-unknown Mexican Toltec teacher: don Miguel Ruiz.

Little did I suspect how life-changing that meeting with Miguel would be. Immediately, he helped me see that my “too cool” attitude was one of the many masks that I had adopted to help me navigate through life. He explained that, like everyone, I had worn masks such as “victim” or “authority” as outward tokens of my identity, when, in fact, none of them accurately described who I was. In fact, the essence of myself—the I am—was far greater than any of the ways I was accustomed to defining myself. As I stripped off the layers of masks, I felt my heart begin to open and I knew my life would never be the same... Read More

Dreaming Down Heaven Prologue

Gigi sighed, pulled off the black suede Marc Jacobs platform boots, and put them back in their box.

“I guess I won’t take them,” she said reluctantly to the bored salesgirl, who gave her the inimitable look of scorn that was obviously a job requirement at every Manhattan

Ignoring her, Gigi stuffed her aching feet back into her last-year’s spike heels with a sigh. Something was seriously off. It was unlike her to resist the temptation of a gorgeous pair of boots. The Gigi of a mere few months ago would, at this very moment, be riding a surge of adrenaline as she swept triumphantly toward the cash register, boots in hand—or possibly still on her feet. She would have told herself something bracing like, “So what if I’m facing the holidays alone? At least I’ll be looking fabulous. And I’d rather spend the money on boots than a stupid turkey dinner.”

So what was wrong? It wasn’t that she didn’t have the money; of course she didn’t! But she had a wallet full of credit cards. It was something worse: Shoe shopping was not making her feel better. Retail therapy had failed her! Read More

Dreaming Down Heaven

For more information about Dreaming Down Heaven
and Gini Gentry click here.

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